Birthmother Resources / Place Your Baby for Adoption

The Adoption Process

The Adoption Process

Step One - Sort Through Your Options

Placing a child for adoption is not easy, and it doesn’t happen overnight. The adoption process can be stressful, emotional, and lengthy. The good news is we’re here to help you through it. The first question you need to answer is whether adoption is right for you and your child. LifeLong Adoptions is here to talk you through your emotions, answer all your questions, and help you start your adoption journey. We are available for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Contact us by phone 1-888-733-7754, chat with us online, or fill out our Birthparent Information Request Form

Step Two - Create an Adoption Plan

LifeLong Adoption’s caring staff will help you create an adoption plan that meets your wants and needs. This involves choosing the type of adoption that’s best for you and your baby. We’ll also help you prepare for the day of your baby’s arrival, including deciding who will be at the hospital with you, whether you would like the adoptive parents to be present, and who will be in the delivery room. As your pregnancy progresses, we’ll ensure you’re receiving all the counseling, support, and financial assistance you need.

Step Three - Browse Waiting Families

One of the most rewarding parts of the adoption process is choosing an adoptive family for your baby. All our families are thoroughly evaluated by a licensed agency and fully prepared to provide a loving, safe, and stable home for your baby. LifeLong Adoptions is also a gay-friendly agency, and supports the LGBT community in their hopes of adopting. Once you’ve chosen a family, we will arrange your first phone call or meeting. Browse waiting families now.

Step Four - Place Your Baby With The Adoptive Family

After the baby is born, you’ll have the option to spend time with the baby, the adoptive family, and/or a counselor. The baby will go directly home from the hospital with the adoptive family. There will be no intermediate foster care. If needed, we’ll help you make arrangements to get home from the hospital after you are discharged. Shortly after the baby is born, you will sign the legal documents consenting to the adoption of the baby.

Step Five - Create a Post-Placement Plan

The post-adoption experience is different for every birthmother. You’ll probably experience an array of emotions, both positive and negative. The amount of contact you’ll have with the baby and adoptive family depends on the type of adoption you chose and the arrangements you made with the family. We encourage each birthmother to create a post-adoption plan. Will you return to school or work? Will you join an adoption support group? Do you have other goals you want to start working towards? We will help you put together a plan that will allow you to move forward in a healthy way and have all the support you need.

More Place Your Baby for Adoption
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