A Birthmother's Rights

As a potential birthmother working with us, you have the right to the following:

  • You have the right to make an informed decision, free from influence, pressure, or judgment. We will provide you with helpful information so you can make an educated decision about your future and the future of your child.
  • You have the right to choose an adoptive family. Our goal is to help you find a wonderful family that is the perfect fit for your baby. You get to choose the family, ask them any questions you may have, and even meet them in person if you would like to. Choosing a family is a decision that will never be made for you unless you explicitly ask us to.
  • You have the right to choose what type of adoption plan you want. You have the choice of what type of plan will best suit your wants and needs: open, semi-open, or closed.
  • You have the right to receive financial assistance. Financial support is available to you during your pregnancy and also after you place to help you get back on your feet again.
  • You have the right to counseling. You can receive counseling during your pregnancy and also after you place. We want you to get the help you may need, not just financially, but emotionally as well.
  • You have the right to review any and all legal documents associated with the adoption. Paperwork will be prepared and you have the right to review and keep copies of any documents prepared during your adoption process.
  • You have the right to a birth plan and medical care of your choosing. Your medical decisions are decided between you and your doctor and will be based on what is best for your body and your pregnancy.
  • You have the right to change your mind at any point in the process up until the final paperwork is signed. It is always your choice, and yours alone, whether you want to choose adoption or not and what agency you work with to do so. Even if you’ve already started the process, nothing is final until the paperwork is signed.
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